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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Stay The Course!

1st Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

Quickword: Stay the Course!

Have you ever wondered if your efforts to advance the Kingdom are worth the effort? I know for some of you, you never get tired, you never get frustrated, you never even give thought about impact of your ministry. This post is for those of us who every now and then need to be encouraged as a result of the challenging circumstances of life. In a few hours as I wrote about yesterday, my wife and I will join others to say see you later to a precious saint who has made it home to glory. It was during the travels yesterday that I needed just a word of encouragement. You see a trip that should have taken a few hours took nearly 13 due to some mechanical issues with our connecting flight. It was in these hours of sitting on a plane to deplane to have to wait for another plan that the Lord blessed me. He simply reminded me that no matter the challenges that come we just need to stay the course. The dysfunction in our National government, the senseless loss of innocence students in another school shooting, the continued illness and unnecessary death as a result of Covid 19 and a incoherent National response causes some of us to want to throw in the towel and give up! Yesterday and even as I write this post, I‘m encouraging myself and I want to encourage you my brothers and sisters to stay the course. Keep your faith in God!

- Be steadfast and unwavering even when difficult times come

- Keep abounding in the work of the Lord when it comes with a cost.

- Stay the course because our work in the Lord is not in vain.


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