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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Stop Running in Place…

Matthew 6: 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Quickword: Stop Running in Place…

When I was a child during recess and later in Physical Education, we did a drill called running in place. During my time in the military, from Basic Training, ROTC and organized Physical Training( PT), running in place was a part of the training regiment. Although there were some benefits to this particular exercise, I never liked running in place because you never went forward, you put in the effort, yet you just stayed in place. A few times throughout the year, I do a self assessment, today if I’m honest with myself, I’m running in place. Hear me clearly, I have a good post military career. I‘m blessed to serve on staff at a phenomenal church, I’ve got friends who are more like family. I believe that it is important to be honest and transparent in life especially in ministry. There are aspects of my life where I’m just running in place, work is being done but I’m not moving forward. There is a great lesson in Matthew 6:33 to stop running in place.

- Seek the Kingdom of God first. This should always be the priority.

- Seeking God‘s Kingdom first And His righteousness allows us to move forward in all aspects of our lives.

- Seeking the Kingdom of God requires effort, we must love our enemies and forgive those who mean to do us harm. It requires us to stop running in place.

* Stop accepting behavior that does not respect you.

* Stop procrastinating, God has given you a vision and a plan, now is the time to execute.

* Stop neglecting your self care; take the day off, take the vacation, talk with the counselor.

* Stop waiting on people and organizations to acknowledge your value.

* Stop holding on to relationships and friendships that don’t support you.

My brothers and sisters, the moments of life are too precious, stop running in place. Take the class, book the trip, accept the new position, whatever you need to do to move forward, do it and do it today! Stop running in place!

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