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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Taste and See, The Lord is Good!

Psalms 34:8 Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good;Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!

Quickword: Taste and See, the Lord is Good!

Our experiences with God are extremely personal encounters. These encounters as belying God take place during all phases of our lives. God is present during the ups and the downs, the good and the bad. God is present at the birth of a child and He is also present when a parent transitions from life to life eternal. I believe the Psalmist in Psalms 34:8 because of his personal encounters and experiences with God does not want others to miss the blessings of personally experiencing God and offers us an invitation to me him. The Psalmist encourages us to engage God with all of our senses so we can experiences for ourselves the goodness of God.

- The Psalmist invites us to taste and see; experience God for ourselves.

- The Psalmist testimony is that after he encounters the Lord, that the Lord is good.

- The Psalmist concludes that the man or women who puts their trust in the Lord is Blessed.

Recently I had my car serviced. Every time I take it in, later in the week, I get a survey wanting to know about my service experiences. Based on what I encounter sometimes it a good rating other times it’s not. My encounters with the service department don’t always lead to a positive review. However, this morning, I join the Psalmists in recommending that you try God; that you have a personal encounter and experience who He is. As you move throughout the day, I recommend that you just taste and see the Lord. Taste the goodness of his Grace, Grace that works us up today. See His mercy that keeps us through dangers seen and unseen. I promise you that if you make the presence of God a constant in your life that at the end of the day, you will be like the Psalmist and will declare to anyone who will listen; Taste and See that the Lord is good!

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