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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Thank God!

Updated: Jul 1, 2022

Psalms 100:5 For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.

Quickword: Thank God!

At the end of the normal Monday- Friday work week without fail as you enter workplaces you hear employees saying TGIF. We know that stands for Thank God it’s Friday, the weekend is upon us. In this Friday’s Quickword, I want to shorten this aconym to TG. Y’all I simply want to Thank God, I want to thank God because…

- The Lord is Good!

- The Lord’s Mercy is everlasting !

- The Lord’s truth endures to all Generations !

My beloved brothers and Sisters, in this Quickword, I don’t want to ask God for anything but I want to Thank Him for Everything. I want to Thank Him for being a good God! I want to thank him for His everlasting Mercy and enduring truth.

Thank Him for Life, Health and Strength. Thank Him for the job, Thank Him for provisions, peace and protection. Thank

Him for never leaving or forsaking us. I think you understand the sentiment of what I’m trying to say this morning. I simply want to give thanks unto the Lord because He is worthy of all of our praise. As you go through out your day and you encounter the blessings of the presence of the Lord, give thanks unto Him!!!

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