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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Thank God for Grace

Updated: Nov 30, 2023

Quickword: Thank God for Grace

John 1:27 He is the one who comes after me, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.”

Over the last ten years, my wife and I have hosted Thanksgiving dinner primarily for young adults in our lives who were unable to make it home each year. Prior to blessing the meal and eating, my wife insists that we gather and for each person to share what they are thankful for. This year we didn’t host as in the past yet we still gathered to give thanks. This year, I found myself being thankful for the Grace of God. There are a few people who have entered our home over thanksgiving who are no longer with us, they have transition from labor to reward. As I remeach one of them on yes, I thank god for His grace. Grace is defined as God's unmerited favor; simply stated, God blessed or favors us more than we could ever deserve. In this Quickword, I just want to thank God for His Grace. In this text, John the Baptist bore witness of Him, saying this is the one who comes after me is preferred before me. Y'all I thank God for His Grace:

It is by the Grace of God that any of us are here...

It is by the Grace of God that life is as well as it is...

It is by the Grace of God through Jesus Christ that we have been redeemed...

So even this moment , I thank God for His Grace today. The Grace of friendship and relationships. I typed this post by God's Grace; I'm in my right mind because of God's Grace; I've got a job because of God's Grace, I'm in ministry by God's Grace. There is food on my table and a roof over my head because of God's Grace. I'm looking for one witness who will join me an thank God for His Grace. Your reasons maybe different from mine but if you are thankful for God's Grace, share this post, send me a note back and let's encourage one another through the Grace of God. I know some of you are going through it right know, even this week. The loss of your mother, your brother, your spouse and even your child and grandchild has impacted you greatly. I just want you to know that the Grace of God in due season will see you through. I thank God for His Grace and if He doesn't do anything else, God has already done enough, we have received grace for grace. Thank God for His Grace!!!!

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1 Comment

Hannah Johnson
Nov 24, 2023

Amazing Grace wonderful grace. Unmistakable grace. Yes hallelujah Grace that surpasses all understanding. Praise God for his matchless favor and grace. Be blessed amen.

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