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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Thank God for the No..

Acts 16:6-7

6 Now when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in [a]Asia. 7 After they had come to Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the [b]Spirit did not permit them.

Quickword: Thank God for the No’s!

Last night I had a chance to have dinner with a Pastor friend who is a brother beloved. Whenever, we get together at some point we will share what’s going on in our ministries. This brother blessed me immensely when he reminded me that sometimes God says no. In the text today in Acts 16, the disciples were trying to go into certain areas but the Holy Spirit (God) forbad or did not permit them to move forward. My brothers and sisters, sometimes God says no. I know that’s hard to take at times but a loving father does not allow his children to move or take actions that are harmful to oneself or others. There are times when God says no.

- No that’s not the right move for you

- No, she is not the one

- No, he is not the one

- No, that’s not the career for you

- No, that’s not the right school

- No, don’t invest in that

- No, they are not your friends

- No, that’s not the ministry for you

- No, don’t chase people

Again, No is not what we want to hear but can I give you some good news. The good news is that when God say no and we listen and heed His word, He is shielding us from dangers seen and unseen. So today I thank God for His no’s. God has plans for each and everyone of us to proper according to His will and His way. There are times on this journey when will we have to deal with God’s no. I simply invite us to not only accept the decisions but thank God for the no’s!!!!

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