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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Thank God For Today (TGFT)

Psalms 118:24 This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Quickword; Thank God for Today (TGFT)

We have an Acronym that I can remember hearing a lot when I got my first real job. The acronym is TGIF, ( Thank God it’s Friday). This was and still is popular as during that time when I began to work, Friday was the end of the work week. Yesterday(Friday) as I was traveling/driving, I remarked to those in the car with me that today seems like a Saturday. So today I use that Acronym not simply because TGIF symbolizes the last day of the work week but because it is a gift from God. Yet, here on Saturday morning I want to thank God for today.

- This day was created and given to us by God.

- There is a call for us to rejoice and be glad in it.

- Each and every day is precious, make the most of this day.

My brothers and sisters, many of our workdays extend beyond Fridays , so I want to modify this phrase slightly to TGFT, Thank God for Today! Regardless of what day of the week it is, if God gives another day in the land of the living we should echo the sentiments of the psalmist, This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Dear God in Heaven, we thank you for the gift of a brand new day. Father, regardless of what challenges we may face today, we resolve to rejoice and be glad in this day. God, thank you for this day and opportunity to be better than we were yesterday. Allow your Holy Spirit to fill us that we may encourage others whom we will encounter today whose joy has been hampered by the ups and downs of life. God be with us today in the name of Jesus! Amen

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