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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Thank You God!

1st Thessalonians 5:16-18

16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Quickword: Thank You God!

Today in this Quickword space, I simply pose a question, the question being has God ever done anything for you? This is a question that requires a personal response. Has God ever done anything for YOU? A dear Sister in Christ, Pastor Cassandra Cromer when in her company has the gift to raise your spirit. When we, Pastor Cassandra Cromer and her Husband Pastor Mauricr Cromer who now rest with the Lord along with my wife and I had the great privilege to lead a congregation while stationed in Japan. Pastor Cassandra could often be heard encouraging persons when they shared some good fortune in their lives to tell the Lord thank-you. When was the last time you just told the Lord thank-you? Here is what Pastor Cromer taught me, we often wait until Sunday morning during worship services or when the Lord does something that we perceive as being a major movement of God to offer him praise. Yet today I want to suggest not to wait until Sunday morning but to give God thanks right now. This text in 1st Thessalonians gives us the framework for giving thanks;

- Rejoice Always!

- Pray without ceasing !

- In everything give thanks!

The writer of this text concludes that these actions are the Will of God. Today, let’s just tell God thank- you. Thank you God for a brand new day! Thank You God for life, health and strength! Thank You God for provisiions, protect and peace. Thank you God for never leaving or forsaking us. Thank you God for healing our bodies. Thank you God for wiping away our tears. Thank you God for watching over our families and friends. Thank you God for being a way maker and a promise keeper. In everything give thanks unto the Lord. I pray that you have a day filled with a heart of thanksgiving! Thank you God, if you don’t do anything else, you have already done enough!

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