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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

The Blessings of a Friend

Updated: Dec 22, 2023

Proverbs 18:24 A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

Quickword: The Blessings of a Friend

I was told once that if you ever had one true friend that you should consider yourself blessed. I am blessed because of the friendship that I shared with Richard E. Cureton Jr. On this day four years ago the Lord call Rich from this life to life eternal. I carry his military I'd tags on my key ring as a constant reminder of a friend who was always the same, he was the one who made sure myself and others were good. This text in Proverbs reminds me of the blessings of friendship. The text tells us that:

A man that hath friends must be friendly himself

A true friend will stick closer than a brother

There is no better friend than Jesus

This morning, I'm both filled with great sadness and great joy. I'm saddened that my friend, my brother is no longer physically with us here on earth; yet my heart is filled with great joy because I know as a result of his faith in Christ, his soul now rest with the Lord. I thank God for my friend in whom I served side by side with in the Army. His mother jokingly called us Batman and Robin and back in the mid-late nineties while stationed in Japan we bonded as friends and brothers. His family became my family. What a blessing to have such a friend; but Rich had another friend whose name is Jesus and again four years ago his friend Jesus called him from labor to reward. I know one day the Lord will call my name and it will be my time to answer. I'm grateful that I have also a friend in Jesus. I look forward to the day that I will see my friend over in glory. Rich continue to rest well my friend, I'll see you on that great getting up morning

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1 comentario

Hannah Johnson
14 dic 2023

Yes I have many friends but JESUS stands above all I to have missed my physical friends as they have gone to heaven. I’m thankful that JESUS has taught me absent in this body present with the LORD! Amen!!!!

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