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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

The Blessings of Peace

Psalm 4:8 I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety.

Quickword: The Blessings of Peace!

A couple of months ago I did a self assessment that led me to discover at this stage in my life what is important to me. I discovered during this time of self reflection that one of the most important things that adds value to my life is peace. Peace in my life is something that is nonnegotiable. Here me clearly, I face many of the same challenges that all of us face. I have a family that I am responsible to take care of. I work a civilian job where the needs of people are of vital importance. I serve on staff of a prominent church in a large city where I have the great honor to minister to people and families at some of their most vulnerable times. I’ve watched as members of my family and close friends have transitioned from this life to life eternal. I’ve been blessed to now have grandchildren. I have been blessed beyond measure and now I find myself prioritizing my peace. In Psalm 4 the author lays out for us the trails and tribulations of life and how in his distress he makes a plea to God for peace. Like the Psalmist this engagement with the Almighty God provides my peace:

- Peace is a Blessing from God!

- Peace does not come from the world but from God alone.

- Peace is to be prioritized and protected.

This may not apply to you but in order for me to get to the level of peace there are somethings I’ve had to do. First, make time for God everyday! Second, eliminate people and things that extract energy from you but never replenishes. Third, know that what God has for you is for you. Lastly, learn to say no without regret. I can honestly say, I’m at a great place in my life and it’s mainly because of the peace of God that’s with me as a result of my relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Peace is truly a blessing from God! My prayer is for all who will read this post that God will give you peace through the vicissitudes of life. I pray you have a magnificent Monday!

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