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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

The Call to Be All In

Colossians 3: 23-24

23 And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for[a] you serve the Lord Christ.

Quickword: The Call to be All In

Over the years, there are certain characteristics as part of engagement with people both personally and professionally that are unsettling. These characteristics are really simple. I don’t appreciate liars, laziness or lateness. These are just things that unnerve me. Here me clearly, alrhough these are things that bother me, I’m careful not to dismiss people because we all fall short in the eyes of humanity but I think God for His Grace. This text reminds us simply that if we are going to serve in the Kingdom of God, we need to be all in.

- Whatever we do, we do it unto the Lord

- We will receive our reward from the Lord

- We are called to be All In as believers in Christ

This call to being all in extends beyond just our ministry. We are called to be all in, to include our marriages, relationships and friendships. We are to be all in pursuing higher levels of education, all in while putting in the effort to advance in our careers honestly. We are called to be all in, no lying, not being lazy and being on time. As Christians we will be to some the only representation of Christ that someone might see. As we wind down this year, I’m evaluating my efforts to ensure I’m all in and the areas where I’m falling short my prayer is the Lord will give time, energy and desire to get better! I want to be all in!

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