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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

The Goodness of the Lord

 Psalms 23:6

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

Quickword: The Goodness of the Lord

This morning, my wife had an earlier appointment than I so instead of driving into church together we decided to take separate cars. As she prepared to leave the house, she put on a track by Ce Ce Winans and played it continuously until she left. Part of song about God that resonated with me says:

Your goodness is running after

It's running after me

Your goodness is running after

It's running after me

With my life laid down

I surrender now

I give You everything (Oh Lord)

Your goodness is running after

It's running after me

  • Surely the goodness of Lord follows us all the days of our lives

  • Surely the goodness of the Lord is reason to surrender unto Him.

  • Surely the goodness of the Lord causes us to want to be in presence of the Lord forever.

Ce Ce Winans and others who sing of the goodness of the Lord today truly bless us, but the Psalmist has been proclaiming the goodness of the Lord for over 3000 years. You see, Psalms 23 is believed to have been written between 1000 Bc and 993 Bc. The Psalm attributed to King David is believed to have been written during the latter days of his reign. I believe when David pens this psalm, he is looking back over his life, through the ups and the downs and he sees the goodness of the Lord. This morning as my wife played this track repeatedly, I believe she was reflecting back over her life and the goodness of the Lord. I found myself caught up in her reflections of the goodness of the Lord that even as I close today's Quickword, I can only say thank you Lord for your goodness, thank you Lord for your grace, thank you Lord for granting us this day to lift up you name!!! If you are able, make your way to the house of the Lord today, if you can't physically make it, join in worship virtually. The Lord is worthy to be praised.

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