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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

The Importance of Truth

John 8:31-32

31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.

32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Quickword: The Importance Of Truth

Yesterday while watching an update on Ukraine, a reporter spoke of how the news of the invasion was being presented in Russia. The term she used was alternative facts; fortunately I was home alone as I shouted at the television, what you meant to say was lies! There is no truth in alternative facts. The truth is so easily manipulated that it is becoming increasingly difficult as those especially in the media instead of reporting truth work diligently to convince us to believe their interpretation of stories and events. This text in the gospel of John reminds us of the importance of truth.

- The word of God is truth

- Abiding in God’s word makes us disciples of Jesus Christ.

- When we know the truth, it sets us free.

There are three things that people do that really unnerves me. They are people who are lazy, people who are habitual late and last and most concerning are people who lie. In this day and time, it is important that truth is told, when the truth is on the table generally we can address whatever the issue that we are facing. Yet when there is deliberate deceit, the quest to live peacefully is always threatened. I encourage each of us to be truthful in our conversations and actions. My wife and I have used the phrase, you can choose your sins but not your consequences. Lying as a sin is one of those things that takes us to places we don’t want to go, keep us longer than we ever expected and costs us more than we wanted to pay. Truth is of most importance as it allows us to make honest decisions. The truth I leave with today that regardless of what we are facing or going through, God is the same today, yesterday and forever and He knows the truth about each and every one of us. So if you are not truthful to one another, at least have the common sense to be truthful to God because He already knows.

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