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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

The Last Free Voice

Isaiah 1:17 Learn to do good;

Seek justice,

Rebuke the oppressor;

Defend the fatherless,

Plead for the widow.

Quickword: The Last Free Voice

On Saturday mornings when I don't have something to do; I enjoy watching a particular news program called The Cross Connection. The host Tiffany Cross is a talented journalist whose speaks truth to power: After getting home yesterday afternoon, I learned through social media that Ms. Cross' show was being canceled. I am disappointed as I was looking forward to her commentary especially with the mid-term elections just days away. The announcement cause me to think about where are the Last Free Voices. Apparently the Cross connection was canceled because of Ms. Cross' willingness to tackled the hard issues, especially issues that impact minority communities. Early in my ministry, my mentor and Pastor who licensed me said something to me that came back to my memory this morning. What he said was, the last free voice in America is the preacher, more specifically the Black preacher. The preacher, the black

preacher speaks truth to power:

  • He/She urges all of us to do well

  • The preacher calls us to seek Jesus

  • The preacher rebukes the oppressor

  • The preacher defends the fatherless and pleads for the widow.

I'm grateful for all of the preachers who have been a voice to the voiceless. I pray God's continued blessings upon each of you. I'm grateful for those who are still here and those who now rest with the Lord. I'm grateful for those Pastors who have afforded me the opportunity to lend my voice through their ministries. Pastor Kemp, Pastor Terry, Pastor Victor, Pastor Bledsoe, Pastor Green, Chaplain Caldwell, Pastor Turner, Pastor Board and a host of others who still advocate for the least among us. I thank God for the last free voices of America.

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