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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

The Lord Is Good!

Psalms 36:25-26

25 I have been young, and now am old;

Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken,

Nor his descendants begging bread.

26 He is[e]ever merciful, and lends;

And his descendants are blessed.

Quickword: The Lord is Good!

We are living in a time where it is predicted that the generations that will follow us will not exceed what our generation and previous generations have accomplished. I understand that experts are looking at certain man measuring indicators that leads them to make that assessment; but I just tend to be one who believes the testimomy of the psalmist and my own experiences. One of the great blessings of getting a little older is the personal relationship and experiences one develo with God. Based on my own observations, I agree with the psalmist being that:

- I have not seen the righteous forsaken ..,

- I have not seen the descendants of the righteous begging bread…

- I have experienced the mercy of God that allows us to be merciful unto one another….

My brothers and sisters, no matter our current situations and circumstances, I want you to know regardless of what the experts predict, we can depend on the fact that the Lord is good and his mercy endures to all generations.

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