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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

The Lord Will Fight For Us!

Exodus 14:13-14

13 And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation[b] of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. 14 The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold[c] your peace.”

Quickword: The Lord Will Fight For Us!

The children of Israel find themselves being pursued by Pharaoh and his army. Many of you know the story, Moses, the man of God has gone to Pharoah and made a firm request or demand to let the children of Israel go! Pharaoh‘s heart is harden but after God sends plagues on the land. Pharoah consented to let the children of Israel go only to change his mind and to send his mighty army after them. Upon seeing this mighty army behind them, the children of Israel cried out to the Lord and said to Moses paraphrasing why did you bring us out into the wilderness to die, it would have been better for us to be servants for the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness. Then the prophet, the man of God said to the people:

- Do not be afraid, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord

- The enemy whom you see today, you will never see again

- The Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace.

My Brothers and Sisters, y’all just missed your shout. I stand in the shoes of Moses today to bring Good News, I said good news, good news for you and you and you and me. The Good News being that the Lord will fight for us. Y’all still missed it…the text does not say the Lord is sending His Army to fight for us,the text does not say He is sending angels to fight on our behalf but Moses said to the people, the Lord will fight for you. Another translation of this text says the Lord himself will fight for you. Notice the only requirement we have is to hold our peace. This may just be for me this morning, whomever or whatever you are afraid of or getting ready to go to battle with, no need, just hold your peace. The Lord will fight for us. The one who is fighting for us has never been defeated, will never be defeated, not even by the sting of death. He is Jehovah Nissi, the Lord our banner. I don’t normally ask, but will you share this post with someone today because we all could use a little encouragement in the current environment . The Lord will fight for us! Hallelujah, Bless His Holy name!!!!

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