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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

The Love of Friends

John 15:11-13

11 “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. 12 This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.

Quickword: The Love of Friends

This time last year, my wife and I boarded a flight to travel across the country to support a friend whose father transitioned from Life to Life eternal. Early this week another dear friends father made the transition and we will try to support in person but at a minimum from a distance. Those of you who served in the military or moved around for other reasons know that you find friends throughout your travels and assignments that become more family than friends. Even in the midst of loss, when we gather and break bread, we are filled with joy as we remember times together and even our connection with their families. We have been asked on occasion why we would travel so far for just a few days and this scripture in John 15 which I’ll use as the Quickword background is simply we are to love and support one another in community.

- The Lord desires that His joy remains in us and that we be full of joy regardless of life circumstances.

- We are commanded by the Lord that we love one another as He as loves us.

- Love requires sacrifice and action.

Im the coming days we will celebrate and honor the life of the father of another friend but more importantly, we hopefully will carry out the commands of Jesus that we love one another. Today I urge you to reach out to someone you know who may be in the midst of the storms of life. They could be grieving the loss of a love one, recovering from an illness, or some are overwhelmed just by the daily stressors of life. If you love someone today, reach out and let them know, better yet show them that you love them. Please know that this may take some effort and sacrifice. We are reminded in this text of what great love is. It will cause us to put the needs of others above ours. We have the ultimate example in Jesus Christ who laid down His life for His friends, you and I. I speak from personal experience, there will come a time when you will need and desire the support of friends, when we have the opportunity to love and support one another, don’t miss the chance.

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