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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

The Strength To Love!

1st John 3:18 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

Quickword: The Strength To Love

In his book entitled “Strength to Love", the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. taught us how to hope and love using Jesus 's teaching during the height of racial segregation, strengthening the effect of the American religious experience. Today like day’s gone by, we need to summon the strength to love. Summon the strength to love when we are under constant attack on every side. If you will allow me a liberty this morning, the stuggle is real to love folks who don’t see you as their equal or not at all. The struggle is real to love people who deliberately plot and plan in order to try and destroy us. The struggle is real to love folks you don’t even like ( some of you understand). John writes and suggest to us what Dr. King would express in the 20th century, it takes strength to love.

The Strength to Love requires more than word and tongue.

The Strength to Love requires deed and truth!

The Strength to Love requires allowing the Holy Spirit to dwell within us.

The next time your strength to love is tested, when you are about to give up and or give out. The Psalmist encourages us to look to the hills from whence coming our help and our help comes from the Lord. What strength it took for Jesus to hang on Calvary’s Cross and die for our sins. No it was not the nails in his hands that keep him on the cross, No it was not the nails in his feet that keep him on the cross. What kept Jesus on the Cross was the Love of God for you and I. My Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it incumbent upon us to have that kind of love for humanity, even those members of society who would destroy us. That kind of Strength to Love comes only from God through the blood and broken body of Jesus. Holy Spirit be with us today, give us the strength to love, those who love us, and even those who do not. Holy Spirit give us the strength to love, male and female, gives us the strength to love beyond political parties, race, ethnicity or social standing. The world can be changed by our strength to Love! Holy Spirit, give us the Strength to Love!

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Oct 20, 2021

Greatest, is Love.

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