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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

The Struggle Is Real

Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [a]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Quickword: The Struggle is Real

This morning I simply want to share with you what many of you already know, that being the struggle is real. There is no justice for people of color in America. The political landscape has simply become a struggle of two parties to maintain power that both ignores the Will of the people but more importantly the needs of the people. The divide between the have and have nots continue to grow. The struggle is real!

- Understand that we are in the midst of spiritual warfare.

- No earthly powers can overcome this kind of darkness and evil

- This Battle is not ours but the Lords.

I wish I could tell you when this struggle will be over. I wish I could tell you that it will get better before it gets worse. The one thing that I know is that regardless of the struggle, God is still sovereign , He rules all things on earth and in Heaven. I implore you to stay encouraged and keep your faith in the Lord!

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1 Comment

Hannah Johnson
Dec 09, 2023

Yes sir the struggle is real But God, But God promise to keep his people. And I have the faith in a God that sits high and looks low As we live and trust in him we can make it through this difficult and horrible fight for the peace in this world. Amen preacher be encouraged God is still in charge. Amen!!!!Be Blessed!!!!

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