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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Unbelievable Blessings!

1st Corinthians 2:9

9 However, as it is written:

“What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard,and what no human mind has conceived”[a]— the things God has prepared for those who love him—

Quickword: Unbelievable Blessings!

When I got home yesterday from our Church’s back to school event, after getting cleaned up and eating lunch, I sat in my spot on the couch and the Lord dropped this text into spirit. Just like many of you, my life is filled with both ups and downs. As I worked along side one of our members yesterday, I remarked, sometimes we can forget how blessed we are. The person replied, I don’t because I remember and know what the Lord has done for my family and I . Without a doubt, I know that I am blessed. This text reminds us that God has some unbelievable blessings for those who love him. Blessings so unbelievable, I feel like preaching, so unbelievable that:

- There are Blessings that eyes have not seen

- There are Blessings that ears have not heard

- These Blessings are so unbelievable that the human mind cannot conceive

My Brothers and My Sisters, the blessings that the Lord speaks of that have been prepared for you and I are unbelievable. These Blessings are simply not materialistic; we can conceive the house, we can conceive the car, we can conceive the job and the career. The unbelievable blessings that God has prepared for you and I our minds can’t comprehend. The unbelievable blessing of perfect peace, the unbelievable blessing of jubilant joy, the unbelievable blessings of great grace and matchless mercy. I’m not a prosperity preacher but God has blessings that even in our wildest dreams and imagination we cannot fathom. Unbelievable blessings are coming our way. In the phrase of Bishop Jakes, Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready; unbelievable blessings are on the way!!!

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