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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Unbothered Pt. 3

Psalms 37:5-6

Commit your way to the Lord;

    trust in him and he will do this:

He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.

Quickword: Unbothered Pt. 3

This week's Quickword's are under the general theme of being unbothered. Let me dispel any misconceptions that I'm not concerned about the events of day. Quite contrary, I'm actually very concerned about where we are as a nation. This week, as I briefly watched the news and read some articles, I found myself nearly in tears. In tears of reading where a mother killed her young child as the child pleaded with the mother that she had been good. I read how political parties are more concerned about who will have power in Congress whether than who actually will represent its citizens well. I was appalled as people in Florida were arrested for alledged voter fraud because of a law put in place to continue to punish those who committed a crime even after they have serve their time. Her me clearly, I'm bothered, yet I'm unbothered because I know that God is still sovereign. God still has all power in His hand. I'm unbothered because I've learned to:

  • Commit my ways unto Him

  • Trust in the Lord

  • I know the Lord will reward the righteous and we will be vindicated in the eyes of the wicked.

I am unbothered because I know who God is. I'm unbothered because I've witness God protecting and providing for His people all of my life. I'm unbothered because I know God is a God of justice. I'm unbothered because God is a deliverer. So while I observe the choas around us, I'm unbothered because I know who I am and whose I am. I pray that as children of God that you too are unbothered by the ways of the world. I believe in all of my heart that the Lord will see us through and for this reason, i am unbothered!

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