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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Unbothered Pt. 5

Updated: Oct 26, 2023

Psalms 37:23-24

23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way.

24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand.

Quickword: Unbothered Pt. 5

For the last several days I've been posting the Quickword using verses from Psalms 37 as focus scripture. Today in the 5th installment of Unbothered, I hope this text has encouraged you to stay focus on God. I'm writing this week primarily from my personal experiences. Today's text reminds us when can be unbothered by the circumstances of life because:

The steps of a good man( male and female) are ordered by the Lord.

Those of us who strive to walk in the ways of the Lord sometimes fall down.

When we fall, the Lord upholds us with His hand.

We are unbothered when we recognize that calls us to be faithful, not perfect. One of the greatest disservices as believers in Christ toward none believes is the facade that we are without our shortcomings. Y'all if we honest, believers can be some of the most trifling people that we encounter. All of us, let me write it again, all of us have sinned and fallen short of the the glory of God. My brothers and sisters we can be unbothered when we fall while trying to walk in the steps that God has ordered for us. In our humanity, we will fall, we will go astray, we will leave the path; the Good News is that when we fall, God is there to pick us up and get us back on the right path. Can I be honest with you, I've made some bad choices in my life , done some things, said some things, and gone some places that I should not have gone. The question you may asked is why then am I unbothered. I'm unbothered because my failures are not my future; I'm unbothered because my past is just that my past, my past not limit what my present and future holds. I'm unbothered because, I can delight in the ways of the Lord. I need one witness today who will join me and testify that I'm unbothered because I know the Lord will never leave or forsake me. I need another witness to testify that the Lord has brought me toofar and through too much to be bothered. Paul writes in Romans 8:28 - And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose. And because I know, I'm unbothered!!!

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1 Comment

Hannah Johnson
Oct 24, 2023

Praise God. !!!!Amen

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