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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Unbothered Pt 6

Psalms 37 25-26

25 I have been young, and now am old;

Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken,

Nor his descendants begging bread.

26 He is [e]ever merciful, and lends;

And his descendants are blessed.

Quickword: Unbothered Pt 6

In verses 25-26 of Psalms 37, the Psalmist takes a reflective look back over His life. It's my contention that as the Psalmist looks back over his life while simultaneously looking forward to the future, he can proclaim that he is unbothered by the challenges that life will bring. The state of being unbothered is based on his history with the Lord: The Psalmist proclaims:

I have been young but now am old but I've never seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging bread.

The Lord is ever merciful and because of his mercy we are able to lend or help others.

We are not only blessed but our descendants will be blessed.

Today's word serves as a testimony to the blessings of the Lord. From our youth to our present age, the Lord has never forgotten us in our times of need. The Lord has been merciful and a provider, simply stated the Lord has a proven track record. I'm unbothered today in my situations and circumstances because the Lord has brought us through before I am assured that He can do it again. I'm unbothered because the Lord is still a healer, the Lord is still a provider, the Lord is still a protecter. My brothers and sisters because of who we are and whose we are, we can be unbothered!

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