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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Wait on the Lord!

Isaiah 40: 28-31

28 Have you not known?

Have you not heard?

The everlasting God, the Lord,

The Creator of the ends of the earth,

Neither faints nor is weary.

His understanding is unsearchable.

29 He gives power to the weak,

And to those who have no might He increases strength.

30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary,

And the young men shall utterly fall,

31 But those who wait on the Lord

Shall renew their strength;

They shall mount up with wings like eagles,

They shall run and not be weary,

They shall walk and not faint.

Quickword: Wait on the Lord!

Indivually and collectively many of us are going through a lot. The weight of life that burdens us ranges from trying to make it simply from one day to the next. You maybe facing a financial hardship or the stress of of a shattered relationship. Maybe you are overwhelmed by the evil that seems to be present at every turn in the world today. The prophet Isaiah offers a glimpse into our future. You may not have known or heard but…

- God the Creator of the World neither faints or is weary

- God gives power to the weak and to those who have no might he gives them strength

- Those who wait upon the Lord , God shall renew our strength.

We are truly living in some challenging times. The weight of the world seems to get heavier by the day. The Quickword today simply reminds us that we don’t have to do this alone. The God whom we serve neither faints nor gets weary. The God whom we serve gives power to the weak and might to those who have no strength. The key my sister, the key my brother is to wait upon the Lord for He shall renew our strength. When our strength is renewed we shall mount up with wings like eagles, we shall run and not be weary, we shall walk and not faint. So today I simply encourage you as I encourage myself, wait upon the Lord for He will renew our strength.

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