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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

We Belong To The Lord!

Isaiah 43:1 But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob,

And He who formed you, O Israel:

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you;

I have called you by your name;

You are Mine.

Quickword: We Belong To The Lord!

Last night as I laid down to go to sleep, I was blessed just thinking about who I belong too. I just believe that the Lord is getting ready to do something major in my life. Here me clearly today, life by no means is perfect, and I know my shortcoming, yet I can rejoice in knowing who we belong to. In this text in Isaiah 43:1, we easedrop on a word from the Lord to his servant Jacob. The Lord was in the midst of preparing Jacob for what was in store for him. Sometimes what God has for us can be overwhelming and because the Lord understands our human frailties, He takes the time to send us a word of encouragement. I just believe that the Lord is getting ready to move in my life but I also believe He is getting ready to take action on your behalf. Waiting on the move of God can make you anxious but be encouraged today:

- The Lord reminds us that we have been created and formed by Him.

- The Lord reminds us that we don’t have to fear, we have been redeemed by Him.

- The Lord reminds us that He has called us by name and that we belong to Him.

My beloved brother, my strong sister, be encouraged, we belong to Lord. Whatever ministry the Lord is calling you too and you find yourself feeling anxious, fear not for the Lord is calling your name and He is calling my name, we have been redeemed. Doors are been opened, your enemies are being defeated, obstacles are being moved. In the words Of Bishop T. D. Jakes, Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready! It does not yet appear what we shall become! Thank you Lord for what you are doing in our lives.

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