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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

What is your vision?

Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

Quickword: What is your vision?

I start this post with a couple of questions. Do you have a vision for your life? Have you taken the time to examine where you want to go and the steps necessary to get to your destination? This very familiar text in Proverbs reminds us that without vision we perish. Oftentimes, this verse is applied to organizational leadership and there are arguments to be made that without vision any organization will be in disarray. I'm simply suggesting in this post that the vision shoukd start with the individual. Without a personal vision our dreams, desires and goals perish. The second part of this text says, he that keeps the law is happy. This means to me, the person who develops a visions and maintains the boundaries (law) to get there will be happy. I challenge you as I challenge myself to develop a vision for your life.

  • Seek God in prayer for your vision

  • Don't limit your vision or allow others to limit your vision based on your current situations or circumstances.

  • Your vision may require you to cut some things out of your life that have become obstacles


P.S. you can't share everything with everyone, move and share as the Spirit leads.

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