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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

When Jesus Speaks!

Matthew 8.27

So the men marveled, saying, [a]“Who can this be, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?

Quick Word: When Jesus Speaks!

The below photo is from the Gulf of Mexico entering into Texas.

A few days ago, Hurricane Ida made her way through this part of the country reaching CAT 4 status. Yet today there is only light breeze. When Jesus speaks even the winds and the waves obey. My brothers and sisters, we are living in some turbulent times; Covid 19 infections and deaths continue to grow, political divisions are greater than ever before, efforts to suppress the right to vote are in full affect, and many of us have our own issues and concerns that we are facing. This morning I simply want to remind you there is power when Jesus speaks:

- When Jesus speaks nature itself has to obey!

- When Jesus speaks, He speaks as one with ultimate authority

- When Jesus speaks humanity marvels at His power!

Soon and very soon, the Lord will speak and peace will prevail.

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1 Comment

Sep 09, 2021

As followers, we must "Obey", when he speaks! When he speaks, things change. And our hearts and minds must be open to Hear, Listen and Respond.

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